I'm so glad you asked

I say this without sarcasm. (The title and ensuing paragraphs as well.)

I'm really glad you care and are interested enough to find out more about our IVF. Honestly I am. And I'm really happy to have the opportunity to answer all your questions (sometimes with "none of your business" but in a way - let me be clear - which is still deeply appreciative of your thoughts and desire to understand and isn't in any way aimed at discouraging you from asking further).

However. If I have to give the same "infertility 101" lecture every time someone new finds out, we'll all go insane. Besides which, these conversations can be so awkward, can't they? So here it is: B&A's IVF FAQ*.

If you find this information lacking, please leave a comment or send us an email.

Ok! From here on in it's pretty much sarcasm all the way. Enjoy! And laugh, damn you, I'm being funny.

*FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions

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