Why can't I get interim reports on how things are going?

Why would you want them? Interim reports mean nothing. It's difficult getting up enough enthusiasm to give them, and even more difficult trying to explain to people how little they should care about them. It's all tealeaves. It's so meaningless it's not worth the time and effort of exchanging the information.

Our best embryo to date resulted in a negative. By contrast, our lamest, probably-won't-survive-the-night embryo resulted in a (very short) pregnancy. Getting a nice thaw is only good news if it results in a live birth. Otherwise a nice thaw just means going through a longer period of suspense, more drugs and greater physical discomfort for the same eventual result. Ditto getting pregnant. Morning sickness is not worthwhile if all you get out of it is a closer inspection of the toilet bowl than you would otherwise have made. There is absolutely no point discussing it and it's kind of irritating to do so.

Really the only thing worth getting excited about is being discharged from the hospital with a healthy baby in tow. But we'll probably give you a cautious heads up if the odds of that happening move sufficiently in our favour, so don't worry (and do try not to get too excited unless the aforementioned hospital discharge happens). Til then - trust me, none of it means anything and it's not worth riding the rollercoaster. So let's not talk about it or I may be forced to sigh as if heavily wearied.

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